AHEMD Project
Affordances in the home environment for motor development

Introduction  Purpose   Rationale  AHEMD development   AHEMD questionnaires AHEMD Calculator


The purpose of the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development (AHEMD) project is to provide researchers, educators, and parents with a reliable instrument to assess the quality and quantity of motor development opportunities in the home during early childhood.

The starting premise, deeply founded in selected propositions of Ecological (Affordance) theory (Gibson, J.J., 1979; Gibson, E.J., 2002), is that the home environment can provide affordances that can be conducive to stimulating motor development.

 We anticipate that this project will make a significant contribution toward understanding the potential of the home environment in optimizing motor development of the child - a factor that has come to be recognized as critical to overall infant and child mental health.